Champion Bloodlines, Champion/Titled Sire'd, Champion/Titled Dam'd, Suitable for Showing, Suitable for Working,
Items Included:
Other Kennel Registration, Current vaccinations, Veterinarian examination, Pedigree,
HOVAWART - Kennel Královská stráž expect puppies from 2. generation superior breeding
Birthdate: 4.3.2012
Father: Ich. Csandro von Wackerbarth - Germany
C.I.B., Deutscher Champion, Champion de Luxembourg, Schweizer Champion
Exams: BH, Fpr1-3, IPO 1-3, VPG 1-3, Upr 1, FH 1, FH 2
HD-A2, heartatest – neg. eyes atest – neg.
Mother: Ich. Cortina Královská stráž – from superior breeding - Slovakia
C.I.E., Champion Slovakia, Hungary, Czech and Polish Champion, Slovakia Klub champion SHK
excelent on World dog show 2009, CAJC, CAC, CACIB, BOB
HD - frei, ED-frei, eyes atest neg.
Second the best bitch on Year 2006
Second the best working Hovawart SHK on Year 2007
Exams: ZOP, ZPU-1, IPOR- RHE, ZM, Fpr 1, Fpr 2, SVV1
Contact: http://www.hovawart.sk
e-mail: [email protected]
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