Suitable for Showing, Suitable for Working,
Items Included:
CKC Registration, Current vaccinations, Veterinarian examination, Certificate of health, Health guarantee, A couple weeks food,
Holly has 1 boy and 1 girl left. 1 black and tan male and silver Dapple female. They are ready for their new home. They are so sociable Loveable. I also have 8 females and 11 males newborns. hey are dapples and piebalds all colors including chocolate blue silver fawn. These babies are going fast...Be sure to reserve yours today All puppies come with current shots worming puppy packet health certificate and guarantee contract grooming and registration also have optional microchipping. We prespoil our babies and they are extremely sociable. Contact me for more information at 580-925-2459 or [email protected] Thank you Ginger
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