Suitable for Showing,
Chubaca is a one year old yorkshire terrier as of 6/3/10. He weighs 4 pounds. He is about 10 inches long and 8 inches tall from the shoulders. He is black and tan. He has a great personality and loves attention. He is very good with older people and makes a good lap dog. He is soon to be registered with AKC. He has been a very healthy boy and i have never had any health issues with him. His dad was 3 pounds so he has the potential to produce small babies. He is really gorgeous and many yorkie owners tell me im lucky to have him. Im asking $150 stud fee and you keep the puppies. Im just trying to make a little extra money for college. If interested email me a [email protected]. I have tons of pictures. He loves to show off. I have all his shot records and vet visit receipts.
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