Suitable for Showing,
i have a Yorkie male for stud. he is AKC registered and 3 pounds. his mom was 4 lbs and his dad was 3 lbs, so he will produce small babies. brown and tinted blue are his markings. most breeders charge a stud service of $650 or more with NO guarantees, but i am charging only $550, cash. i do require that the female stay at my home where i will keep close supervision on both of them for 5 days (or until i've witnessed success). if you dont mind, giving me a weeks supply of the food she has been on, with the appropriate diet as well. i need her to be as comfortable and calm as she can, to produce a successful breeding. a change in diet might have an effect on that. also any toys or blankets to make her feel more at-home. i will e-mail pics upon request. * EMAILING ME IS THE BEST WAY OF COMMUNICATION, UNLESS IT IS AFTER 7 PM OR ON THE WEEKENDS * my email is: [email protected]
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