Items Included:
Veterinarian examination,
We have 6, 4 day old boxer puppies for sale. We have 2 males and 4 females. They were born on March 30th, 2009 and will be ready to go to a loving new home on May 15th. They have their tails docked, dew claws removed and have been vet checked. Both parents on sight. One female is a fawn and the other 3 are reverse brindle. One male is a fawn and the other is a reverse brindle. All have white flashing on their chest and tummies. Some have white marking on their noses and toes. All are very cute and are hoping to find a new home. They are not registered but are purebred. I am asking for $250 for the males and $300 for the females. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks and I look forward to speaking with you soon. Tiffany
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