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Noonvale Cavaliers

Name: Noonvale Cavaliers
Breeds: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,
City: Alexandria
State/Prov: VA
Zip: 22308
Country: USA
Affiliations: CKCSC, USA
Other Information: Noonvale is a small hobby kennel where all dogs live with us and puppies are born in the house. Although I only breed occasionally, I am always happy to assist someone looking for a Cavalier in the greater DC metro area. Noonvale is the home of AKC & CKCSC-USA BISS Ch. Harana Great Balls of Fire, CKCSC, USA 2005 National Specialty BPIS & AKC Ch. Shado Run Hot Damn Here I Am at Noonvale and AKC Ch. Stellar Prophecy. Breeding stock have hearts and eyes checked annually by board certified specialists; hips and patellas OFA certified. Member of CKCSC, USA and COS. Emails preferred.

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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