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Duck Fever Retrievers

Name: Duck Fever Retrievers
Breeds: Labrador Retriever,
City: Exeter
State/Prov: CA
Zip: 93221
Country: USA
Telephone: 559-960-2564
Testimonials: Charger is THE PRIZE. He is the most unbelievable dog I've ever had. At one year old he hunts like a pro. I wish to God I could take another dog right now. Your dogs are fantastic. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and thank you again for our wonderful dog. the Daniels
Other Information: Duck Fever Retrievers are Labrador breeders in Central California focusing on the field Labrador and hunting Labrador. We have chocolate Lab pups now

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Labrador Retriever, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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