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Bolerame Boxers Reg'd

Name: Bolerame Boxers Reg'd
Breeds: Boxer,
City: Calgary
State/Prov: Ab
Zip: T2Y 3N4
Country: Canada
Affiliations: Canadian Kennel Club Alberta Boxer Club Boxer Club of Canada
Testimonials: Tammy of Vancouver, Wash "You have very healthy happy looking dogs. You can see in the pics they are exceptional. They must be a pleasure to have as a part of the family" Deanon of New Brunswick, Canada "Your dogs are stunning!"
Other Information: We are a small show/breeding kennel located in Calgary, Canada. We are dedicated to breeding Boxers of exceptional beauty and temperament. We are currently expecting a litter due on the 1st of October. This is a mating between our Canadian champion, Bolerame's Miss Moneypenny and an American/Canadian champion. Please check our website for more information.

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
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