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Name: Revonne
Breeds: German Shepherd,
City: Boonville
State/Prov: IN
Zip: 47601
Country: USA
Telephone: 812-459-6935
Affiliations: Memer of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America Signer of the GSDCA Breeders Code of Ethics
Testimonials: Hi Revonne, We just wanted to send a quick note to let you know how Belle is doing. We just love her! She is wonderful. She did well on the ride home and slept very well last night. She only whined for 3-4 minutes then settled down from 10:30 until 5:00. She was adjusting well today. No accidents, she lets us know every time and goes potty right away. You did very well with her. Thanks, The Hatfield’s Dakota was 10.5 pounds when she came home and she was 21 pounds at her doctor appt 8/30. She is doing wonderfully... sleeping through the night, eating well, and as playful as ever. Again, all is TERRIFIC!!! Thank you so much!!! Take care!! Jen Ruby is an absolute delight!! She is very intelligent, helps out with everything and loves to be around people. She makes good impressions with everyone she meets and of course she thinks everyone comes to see her!!! She loves to play catch, fetch, soccer and loves to be outside. She also likes the car!!! Ruby thinks she is a lap dog and so she often finds her way onto your lap! People are amazed at how much her coat has changed, she is magnificent looking. Hope you enjoy the pictures!!! Take Care, The McPherson Family Revonne,We love our Elska! She's such a character and full of life. She loves giving kisses and is a great companion and playmate for Shepherd, our Swissy. She's doing very well in her obedience class, especially for being the youngest one in it. Her best tricks so far are heeling, sitting, and staying. Our daughter who is home from college for the summer, is enjoying her too. Elske loves to crawl in her lap and curl up whenever she sits on the floor to play with her. We all love her very much! Sincerely, The Browning Family Hi, Buster is now Luke (the only name we tried that Shain could remember), so Luke it is. He's doing GREAT! Shain pays attention to Luke & Luke to Shain. Lloyd is very pleased. He goes out and plays with one of the collies to run his energy off & then comes back inside and stretches out. He just doesn't stress. He already says this is home, when anyone comes to the door he has a deep booming bark, checks them out then wags all over. He's had his shots and started obedience. Marilyn Revonne Storrer, is a consciencious breeder. She is someone that can be trusted as a true lover and promoter of the GSD breed. She tries to make very good breedings and has stood behind her dogs 100%. She is definitely a person who is trying to do the right thing and has made many efforts to make our beloved breed better. Cindy Bartley, (Co-Owner of Chablis German Shepherds, Co-Owner of Bed, Bath & Bisquit, German Shepherd Conformation Judge)

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