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abu dhabi gsd

Name: abu dhabi gsd
Breeds: German Shepherd,
City: abdhabi
State/Prov: al falha
Zip: 971
Country: United Arab Emirates
Telephone: 00971507910003
Affiliations: not yet
Testimonials: We have exceptionally high standards, a personal passion, we believe, in respect of Character, Temperament, Construction and Health. we have a very top and top (superep german shepherd dogs have you been seen in your life !! with a nice shaep and good looking for show dog they are coming from good blood line and femouse dogs a round the world , if you know a bout chompions dogs !!? if you want more information just a drop us a e mail or countact us any time we will be happy to answer you . best regards abu dhabi gsd U.A.E.
Other Information:

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
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