English Setter, dog breeder - County Line English Setter, dog breeder - County Line  

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County Line

Name: County Line
Breeds: English Setter,
City: Summit
State/Prov: SD
Zip: 57266
Country: USA
Telephone: 605-881-1089
Affiliations: American Kennel Club
Testimonials: Blaine and Jennifer- Sorry to keep missing each other via phone. I could not be more pleased with Patch. He has had numerous points, has honored my Brittany very well and is starting to retrieve! He is quick to learn obedience and is improving in that department everyday. He is a very independent pup that definitely thinks for himself. That has probably been the biggest obstacle to correct (also loves to chew things). As far as a nose and hunting instincts I am very, very pleased. I keep meaning to take a picture of him on point in the field and also grab my gun instead of the camera. Thanks for making this work and I will continue to keep you posted.
Other Information: This is Amy Robbins. My husband, Mark, and I purchased a 5 month old setter from your family a little over a month ago. Our pup (Mia) is active and adapting well with our older dog. I even caught them sleeping together on the bed the other day. They enjoy wrestling and teasing one another. :) My husband is looking forward to taking Mia's training out into the field soon.

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County Line English Setter, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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JD Hunt View Details  
English Setter
500.00 (USD)
Need to talk to me about this dog. He is great and I do need to get rid of him to a good home ASAP....
  other english setter dog related areas English Setter dog details
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