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Name: tjseverythingaussies
Breeds: (Not a Breeder)
City: oaklandmills
State/Prov: pa
Zip: 17049
Country: USA
Telephone: 717 463 2110
Affiliations: AkC , CKC, AKA
Other Information: We are a family of Aussies loves involed with all three sizes for 22 years.Striving to breed true to standard of what the aussies is truely to be.We don't believe in breeding out the herding..we believe in breeding in the devoation that leads to the easy going and trainable.

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tjseverythingaussies breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Mr perfection View Details  
Australian Shepherd
775 (USD)
This puppy is all one could ask for in a Toy aussie...great white collar...out standing white...
  other australian shepherd dog related areas Australian Shepherd dog details
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