Pug, dog breeder - Terry Sharp Pug, dog breeder - Terry Sharp 

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Terry Sharp

Name: Terry Sharp
Breeds: Pug,
City: Lakeside
State/Prov: ca
Zip: 92040
Country: USA
Telephone: 619-573-5136
Affiliations: AKC
Other Information: Buddha is a two year old fawn male Pug in peak physical condition available for stud service to qualified females. He is 26lbs, well proportioned with great muscle tone. He has large deep facial wrinkles with a very short muzzle, button nose, and black mask. Buddha, his parents, and siblings all have a clean bill of health with strong immune systems and no skin disorders.

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Terry Sharp Pug, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Buddha View Details  
300.00 (USD)
Location: San Diego Ca Buddha is a two year old Proven fawn male Pug in peak physical condition...
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