Family Dobes
Family Dobes
Doberman Pinscher,
AKC FCI ADA USA and DVG Schutzhund
Hi, Steve!
It dawned on me that I haven't dropped you a note lately to let you know how we're doing--my bad!
Moody is growing up (no surprise, huh?) He is learning very quickly and is certainly the apple of my eye! I've had him in to work, where I fear my coworkers will spoil him, but he is socializing quite well. We've started some basic puppy-type training and he is just as smart as they come. Goes to his crate on command (and we know how tough that is for a pup to do!) and is picking up the basics quickly.
How did I ever get along without a Dobe in my life?
He's still terrorizing the Pyrs at every opportunity, but they give as good as they get and I am blessed with a happy, healthy pack. I want to say again how tickled I am with my wonderful little guy and how grateful I am to you for helping us get together!
Thanks again, Steve, from your "family" in Arizona!
My name is Ray, and I understand you are interested in buying a Dobie pup from Steve Parsons. I can tell you that Steve is one of the most honorable men I have had the pleasure to meet. His website is great, and he has a wealth of knowledge that he is more than willing to share, wheather you buy one of his pups or not. I am so glad to have met him,and we have developed a friendship beyond the bussiness that we have done. We e-mailed back and forth a dozen times before I decided to go with one of his pups. That is a decision I will never regret. I am the proud owner of a Male, Red/rust, Doberman pup,named KIWAGO, and I couldn't be happier with him. He is just beautiful. Kiwa is my 4th doberman, over the past 14yrs, and the other 3 although we truly loved them, were what I will call backyard breeds. They're parents were all AKC registered, but what is in a registration is not necessarily in the breeding. My 1st Dobie, Maverick, lived 71/2yrs and died from a passed on disc problem from his parents. Something I could not have known about. My next 2 were brothers from the same litter, and again died at 71/2 & 9yrs from kidney problems passed on from parents of an inferior breed themselves. Now don't get me wrong, I loved all of my boys but I was very tired of the heartbrake when they passed so young. Then I met Steve! He taught me so much about Purebreed Dobermans, and how important it is to start with a good strong pedigee, and champion leval parents. All of his breeders come from this kind of stock. Both of KIWA's parents are 5th generation champions. They are truly superior dogs to anything I have seen or had the opertunity to purchase a pup from. The price for this great pup was more than I ever expected to pay, but I know now that Kiwa was worth every penny of it. Don't let the price scare you, as my good friend has taught me, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, and I would do it again in a minute. Kiwa is mellow, and loves to be held and talked to. He and I are starting an obedience class this week with him just 15wks old. He is so intelligent, the trainer did an evaluation of him and said he was ready to go right now. I am very happy. I have had absolutly no problems with him at all. He is a pleasure.
So in rapping up, I feel you can't go wrong with Steve,he is a fine man who will stand behind his animals completely. He is in it for the long run and will be there for you, for the life of your dog. He is breeding from very superior stock , and all of his pups are his babes. I believe he would keep them all, if he could. Imagine that, a herd of Dobies running accross the feilds of Utah. Seems pretty nice to me. I am enclosing some pics of my KIWA, to show you how proud I am of him.
Good luck, and if I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Doberman's rule-RAY
Dear Steve;
I can't begin to thank you enough for this sweet boy. He is just adorable and is showing just the kind of personality to make a great service dog.
Berry Garcia is not yet happy having a puppy in his house. Twice he has growled at the puppy (who will have a name before the end of
Other Information:
Our Mission:
To provide you with the best Doberman possible to meet your wants and needs. We believe we have the best European Dobermans available anywhere at any price. We have imported all of our breeding stock directly from Europe where they still have strong selection pressure. The dogs must pass temperament evaluations, and often must have working and conformation titles before they are given license to breed. Family Dobes has been raising and training Doberman Pinschers for over 20 years. We raise working family companions that have been used for Search and Rescue, Schutzhund, protection, family pets, obedience and agility, even upland bird and waterfowl hunting! Our dogs have the right temperament, color and conformation, you can't go wrong! We want to help educate you as an owner. We don't sell you a puppy and disappear! Our pups do cost more than many available out there, and for a good reason. With my education in Animal Science and genetics, we raise quality healthy dogs. We will have genetics discussions with you if you wish! I want you to get a high quality dog you will be proud of, that will live for many years of effective service. I also want to be a support to you and your new dog, and that will take time and resources. Isn't the help and education worth a little more? With dogs you do get what you pay for, and with many dogs they don't come with any support. We will help you raise and train your dog wherever you want or need help. We have several upcoming litters, if you are interested in Stud Service, a new puppy, or a started dog, call 801-636-8006
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