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mrs wickham

Name: mrs wickham
Breeds: (Not a Breeder)
City: hertfordshire
State/Prov: baldock
Zip: SG76JT
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 01462 339723
Other Information: 7wk old malamute husky beautiful affectionate little boy just come away from his litter my son has acute hearing and has become afraid of the noise he makes which is a woo woo sound. So sadly I haven't had anytime to train even though he's weaned and pad trained. He deserves a great home with loving people who are willing to take on a dog which gets quite large and active. Im sad he has to leave us. He's so lovely.

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mrs wickham breeder ( 1 listings found )
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duke View Details  
Alaskan Malamute
550.00 (GBP)
He's beautiful very loving and intelligent.. Already excepts commands I have all you need for him...
  other alaskan malamute dog related areas Alaskan Malamute dog details
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