Dachshund, dog breeder - deb or roger Dachshund, dog breeder - deb or roger 

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deb or roger

Name: deb or roger
Breeds: Dachshund,
City: kirbyville
State/Prov: mo
Zip: 65679
Country: USA
Telephone: 417 336 1434
Affiliations: AKC
Testimonials: Many testimonials and updates on my website. The best info comes from my families. We have a great championship bloodline with multiple champions in several generations.
Other Information: Very small breeder. I only breed a few litters a year as these are my pets that live in the house with me. I am willing to give vet info, puppies are given the best of care. Potty training is always started before they arrive to their new families home.

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deb or roger Dachshund, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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ani View Details  
550.00 (USD)
Absolutely beautifully marked and a personality to go with it. She will be small, I believe about...
  other dachshund dog related areas Dachshund dog details
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